Pricing of Translation is based on 180 words and 1000 space-free characters for 1 page, not the original document,
but the translation output (target language).
Pricing of Translation Word is determined by the word count to result in the Microsoft Word-word processing program.
Documents such as certificate translation, diploma translation, catalog translation, and passport translation are accepted as 1 page even if the documents are not 180 words or 1000 characters. (Counts up to 180 words or 1000 characters are 1 page.)
Our translation page unit prices vary according to languages, whether the translation is short or long, one or more translators that will translate.
Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can provide you with more quality service regarding the pricing of the documents to be translated.
You can contact us at the Ankara Kızılay Translation Office address or other ways in the communication section.